Inner Worlds is a quarterly digital zine of speculative stories about our inner lives; our thoughts, our emotions, our perceptions, our dreams.
We aim to publish works which use elements from science fiction, fantasy, or horror to illuminate the different ways that we experience our selves and our world.
That might mean finding a metaphor to express a feeling, or a setting which reflects how your brain works sometimes, or turning a trope on its head to explore a different perspective.
We have a specific interest in sharing:
- stories of neurodiversity
- experiences of psychological struggle or distress, madness, and extreme states
- the voices and perspectives of marginalised groups.
We'll walk with you in the dark places. But we want your humour, joy, and wonder too.
"Can you promise me I'll be happy?"
"No, man. Absolutely not. But I can promise that you won't be alone."
-Russian Doll, Season One "Ariadne"
Read Inner Worlds
All the stories in our past issues are free to read online.
If you would like each new issue delivered to your inbox as an HTML, EPUB, and PDF version, why not subscribe and help support the zine too?
Since issue one, Inner Worlds has had an International Standard Serial Number (we're ISSN 2977-8131) which means data about the magazine is available in bibliographic records held at the British Library and elsewhere and will be available for researchers today and in the future. I just think that's pretty neat.
About the editor
Hello! I'm Sarah Jackson, a writer based in London, UK.
After previous experience on the editorial team of Fantastic Other magazine, I decided to set up Inner Worlds.
Why 'inner worlds'? As a writer, a champion daydreamer, and as someone with lived experience of complex trauma and recovery, I'm very interested in how we experience our thoughts, feelings, and memories.
For me, fantasy, horror, and science fiction offer some of the very best tools to find words for the wordless, express the inexpressible, and share our deepest stories.
I did Duotrope's editor interview if you'd like to know more about how I go about selecting stories and putting issues together.
Alongside editing Inner Worlds I have a day job and volunteer on a mental health helpline.
For all queries about the magazine, review copies etc please email Sarah at ourinnerworlds[at]
If you'd like general updates about the magazine you can get them via the editor's newsletter. You can also find us on mastodon, bluesky, and tumblr.